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Why I'm Obsessed with Him

Most people find my obsession absurd, weird, or creepy. I don't, because I think of it as an obsession of a fictional character, but real. 

Samuel de Champlain is not someone who i want to marry or date, but someone who i would like to meet and want them to be my friend. My friends still find that creepy or weird, but their is no problem with having a crush, most of them have crushes on people and celebrities 20, 30, 40 years older than them, and that is what Samuel de Champlain is to me.

It all started around grade 5 when I first got taught about explorers, when everyone was twiddling their thumbs, i was actually listening to the explorers, and my favorite one was Samuel de Champlain. I immediately loved the fact that he was a regular old explorer who was looking to colonise New France became a governor of a barely known land, I started to research him and his life dramatically.